5 Pack Wintering Box For Single Brood Chambers.
This wintering method has proven quit successful in the last number of years that I have tried it. It was originally designed to winter 2-frame nucs , but it works quit well for single brood chambers as well. This method helps the hives share their heat somewhat and it also provides a very important wind free environment. When checking the hives in early spring I find a few that need additional frames of food, but most hives make it through with an amply supply. The disadvantage of using this system is that it takes quit a bit of effort in setting up every fall. However for the small beekeeper it would be something worth considering. If the bees are healthy with a young queen and plenty of honey and pollen this system provides an ideal wintering situation for the hive.
The wintering stand you see on top holds 5 standard hives. It’s basically a box made out of 2″ Styrofoam insulation with top and bottom entrances cut out for each hive. The dimensions are such that they work well with a standard sheet of Styrofoam. The hives stand on a wooden platform that also holds the insulation boards in place.