Looking for Manitoba made Premium Quality honey?
We offer top quality ‘soft spreadable’ creamed honey. By controlling the crystallization process we provide unpasteurized honey that is easy to use and that stays soft.
In our beekeeping operation we use organic acids that are naturally found in honey to control pests in the hive. This helps in keeping honey as pure as possible without increasing the risk of foreign substances.
Honey from this area of Manitoba comes mainly from the canola flower, which is grown in great abundance. It also contains a fair amount of Clover, Alfalfa and wild flowers that grow along the river banks and edges of the fields. Because we are a small apiary the taste of the honey changes year after year depending on what is blooming that year.
Soft spreadable Creamed Honey.
500 gram Jar Honey.
5 KG Pail of Honey.
Buckwheat Honey
We currently have some quality buckwheat honey available in a limited supply. Buckwheat honey comes from the buckwheat plant. The colour of the honey varies from dark brown to black. It has a strong taste and strong smell as well. Contact us to order this unique honey.