Manitoba Nuc Hives
We are currently not taking nuc order for 2023.
We have hardy bees in 4 frame nucs available for sale every spring. The nucs are ready for pickup by the middle, or towards the end of May depending on the weather. These nucs develop into full sized colonies in time for the honey flow.
4-Frame nucs $250 The 4-frame nucs have at least three frames of brood, plus one with honey and pollen.
Place your order early, we only have a limited supply available every year. In April we will contact you to confirm your order at which time a $20 deposit is required per nuc. All nucs come with our own queens produced the previous year. Contact us for further details.
Or if your just starting out you can buy a complete bee hive with bees, the price is $310, included is;
4 frames Nuc with bees and queen.
Screened bottom board for varroa monitoring/control. Stainless steel screen with stainless steel pull out tray, and a 1″ insulation on the bottom.
Entrance reduce,
Wax dipped brood box with 10 frames of drawn comb.
Hive lid with 1.5″ built in insulation.
What is a nuc?
A nuc is beekeeping jargon for a small hive. The nucs come with frames filled with brood, honey and pollen. The frames are well covered with enough bees to keep the brood warm and to take care of the small hive as well. A healthy, vigorous queen is also included with the nuc. In Manitoba a 3 or 4 frame nuc that you buy in May will grow fast enough so that they are at full strength just when the honey flow starts.
The following sites also provide information as to where you can buy a bee hive.
RRAA -Red River Apiarists’ Association. Beekeeping articles, newsletter, Manitoba beekeeping events, etc.
Manitoba Beekeeper’s Association -Upcoming beekeeping events in Manitoba. Promoting the welfare of the entire Manitoba honey bee industry.